Getting to know the Sevillanas’ Group (11 girls and 1 boy), with and without castanets, and it’s always fun to film Anais.
Sabrina was teaching while Linda looked on and said “ok, so we need to start working on arms.”
Danced during fiestas by couples of all ages (and often by whole families and pueblos), the Sevillana or Baile por Sevillanas is a popular flamenco-style dance. Its rhythm is 3/4 or better 6/8.
Since it’s a fiesta dance, Sevillanas choreography is very stable and knowing it is very useful. This is why learning flamenco usually starts with this particular dance: it’s easier to reach a particular level and there are more occasions for practice and training.
Each Sevillana is composed of 4 parts (paseíllos, pasadas, careos y remate), with each part divided into 3 coplas and each copla made up of 6 movements.