Monthly Archives: March 2009

From the Editing Room

They say editing is never finished, at some point it’s just abandoned!

We’ve been keeping up. Since most of our shoots employ multiple cameras, we first ingest and archive our P2 media, then capture, sync and make multiclips in Final Cut Pro (after every shoot). That way, when the time comes, we’re further ahead and much better prepared for that final edit.

Anais’ Third Shoot

One month away from the Auditions, we filmed Anais at Linda’s Studio for her private. After working on the details of her dance, we filmed a reenactment of Anais choosing her music. Then Linda brought out a variety of accessories trying to find a match for Anais’ chosen fabric.

Los Farruco Performance

Last night we met Linda, Amanda, Michaela, Sabrina, Vicente and Gabriel at Royce Hall (on the UCLA campus) for the performance of Los Farruco, a legendary flamenco family dynasty from Spain. Linda, who once lived in Spain, knew the family well.

We also met a lot of Linda’s wonderful friends including her first teacher, Juan Talavera. Although we were not allowed to shoot during the performance, we were able to film some footage, after the show, backstage at the Royce Hall Artist Entrance.

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